01/28/2024 = Mark 1:21-28 = “Bread, Bapt & Beyond – Sacraments and Worship 4”                      

(Click HERE to see the FBLive stream of this service – starts at 0:00, sermon at 34:00)

(Click HERE to donate to Lidgerwood Church’s mission and ministry – MANY THANKS to all who give to this church!!)

1                                                                                                                                             Kathy Sandusky, Commissioned Pastor

Mark 1:21-28                                                                                                            


Bread, Bapt & Beyond – Sacraments and Worship 4”                      

Lidgerwood Presbyterian Church

Good morning, welcome to worship at Lidgerwood Presbyterian Church! We are glad to have you with us in this time of worship.

Especially after last Sunday’s icy streets and super cold weather!

Some of you know I was out of the country last Sunday – 95* temps in Guatemala – suffering for the Lord! I have lots of stories and photos – but that’s for another time. Instead, those of you who are more observant will notice that the bulletins you’re holding have last Sunday’s date on them….  Most of you. We’re just re-using what would have been used last week.

Today is our fourth Sunday in this between Christmas and Lenten series on Worship and Sacraments – what do we do on Sunday mornings, and why do what we do it, and how that impacts how we live every day! Bread, Bapt and Beyond!

In the previous three weeks we talked about CommunionJesus is the Bread of Lifehow we partake of this everlasting-life-bread every time we come to Jesus, every time we start to believe in Him, we talked about Baptismthe Water of Lifehow our recognition of our sin condition and confession and repentance leads to an act of faithful Baptism – demonstrating God’s grace and mercy, and proclaiming our coming to Jesus and belief in His death and resurrection, and we talked about how God calls us, and what God calls us to.

This morning we read the next section in Mark’s Gospel – and Pastor Kathy helps us discover that faith always includes something about what we believe in. 

Today will probably be a little shorter service than what is normal – we have our Annual Congregational Meeting – and a Potluck Lunch – and you are ALL invited to stay – if there’s not enough food, we’ll all survive on a little less – or there might be a miraculous multiplication of the loaves. The Meeting won’t take terribly long, but we want to take the time to honor our 2023, elect our new church leaders, and dream together about how God might be calling us in 2024.

Today, we worship our God in this series:

Bread, Bapt and Beyond – a look at the Sacraments that demonstrate and perform the grace of God, and the worship that develops from them.


To invite us into that experience, Scott calls us to worship from Psalm 111:

4-5  And our Prelude of Praise and Worship ––– #17 …  Praise the Lord, O Heavens Adore Him

6  Good morning Friends!  Welcome to worship at Lidgerwood!! Shalom Aleichem! Or as they say in Guatelama: La paz de Cristo esté con vosotros. May the PEACE of Christ be with you!

Welcome, friends, from around the world, to this worshipping community!

Be filled with God’s Holy Spirit presence and power, in your homes, through your phones and computers, in this building here, and in your lives. Pray with us … and hear and be transformed by God’s Word.

7   This morning our Chancel Choir leads us in this beautiful anthem: He Started the Whole World Singing”       

8   Children’s Message

9  Scott, please begin our Prayer time in Confession and Thanksgiving         

10  Gloria Patri

11-14   Praises, thanksgivings, adorations, concerns and prays [The Lord’s Prayer]


16-19  Let’s stand as we are able and sing our Song of Devotion and Preparation to receive God’s Word#26Praise My Soul the King of heaven 


SERMON and SCRIPTURE READING – Pastor Kathy Sandusky – Commissioned Ruling Elder Pastor


22  We have three locations in this Sanctuary where we give out tithes and offerings, our pledges and promises to God’s Kingdom work. If you did not offer your tithes when you entered the room, please do so as we leave in a few minutes. Or give HERE.

Please pray with me: Receive our tithes and offerings as symbols of our very lives and livelihood, given as response to Your life given for us! Bless it, and by it bless the world around us. In Christ’s name, Amen.

23-24    Expedition Song #712 –  The Kingdom of God Is Justice and Joy!    

25   Benediction:   



  • Potluck Lunch & Annual Congregational Meeting – in just a few minutes, to receive Annual Reports, Elect new Church officers, listen for God’s call on us in 2024
  • Thru-the-Bible Check-in – TOMORROW at noon
  • Easter Cantata Rehearsals – start THIS Thursday, 6pm!
  • Furnace Fundraiser