02/12/2023 = II John = “You CAN Handle the Truth”

(Click HERE to see the FBLive video feed of this service – starts immediately, sermon begins at 26:00 – please ignore the wobbly camera and bad camera angles, the the camera-holder’s singing voice (that’s your pastor, ie, me).

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Mark Wheeler

II John                                                                                                                                   


“You Can handle the Truth!”                                                                                    

Lidgerwood Presbyterian Church

Here’s lookin’ at you, Kid.’ [Casa Blanca]


Welcome to worship, friends – let’s join in as Pastor Kathy leads us in our Call to Worship – from Psalm 136


And let’s immediately follow that with our Prelude of Praise and Worship–– Give to Our God immortal Praise (#16)


Good morning Friends!  Welcome worship at Lidgerwood!! Shalom Aleichem!

I get an email, every week or so, telling me that one or more of my devices or apps require some attention. My computer or telephone sends these signals out to my providers without my permission or knowledge; they just do it automatically. Sometimes I find this very annoying, but there are other times when I realize how much smarter than me most of what I own actually us!

And I think, “It’s strange to have a car or a refrigerator or a TV set that’s smarter than yourself.” And then I realize, “No, it’s not so strange. Lidgerwood Church won’t think that’s strange at all—not in reference to me.

But, then I think about how we do send signals, and how a congregation such as LPC sends a signal that is happening, if you like, internally, that is then picked up externally, that will be expressive of something that is going on unseen and yet something that is of significance. And I wonder what kind of signal the congregation at Lidgerwood is sending to the watching world, sending to itself—what are we sending, if you like, to God—when it comes to this issue of the gathering of God’s people for the singing of God’s praise?

I truly believe that when we gather and sing God’s praise, our worship sends a signal to the watching world. Our focus on God is essential, as is the joyful, thankful enthusiasm of our devotion.

The scope of God’s praise, meanwhile, is limitless, as He calls the nations to worship Him. Having saved us, He moves us to worship—so let’s praise Him! Truly, let’s worship in Spirit and in Truth!

Welcome, friends, from around the world, to this worshipping community!

Let’s take a second to welcome each other, those in the room and across the globe, to a moment of Sabbath in God’s presence and peace, and with others whom we love and with whom we grow together. Tell your loved ones, whoever you can see , “The loving TRUTH of Christ be in you – and also with you!!

Welcome to this “gathering” in God’s name. We are assembled in NorthEast Spokane, WA, along with people from all over the world. We are very glad you are “here” with us.

Be filled with God’s Holy Spirit presence and power, in your homes, through your phones and computers, in this building here, and in your lives. Pray with us … and hear and be transformed by God’s Word.


Choir –! Thank you leading us in worship with this Sunday’s Choral Anthem – :  “I Love to Tell the Story”


Listen in as Pastor Kathy opens our Prayer time in Confession and Thanksgiving


11    Gloria Patri


  • what are some praises, thanksgivings, adorations we want to offer?
  • Is there a person or a situation you want to lift to our Lord for His answers and grace?

15   We pray this in the name of Jesus, who taught us to pray:   [The Lord’s Prayer]


Let’s prepare to receive a Word from our Majestic God by singing a song of Devotion and Praise  –  Let Us, with a Gladsome Mind – #59!!



You are the Way, the Truth and the Life, O God, and we come to You this morning because we love You.  As we open Your Word, shine Your Light brightly so we might clearly see the Way, follow the Truth, and live Life to Your fullest.  In Jesus’ name, Amen.

You know how some movie lines are unforgettable?  Even if we haven’t seen the movie, we’ve heard the line so many times they are burned into the skins of our eardrums?  Here’re some lines; you tell me the movies:  “They’re he-re.” [Poltergeist]  “Show me the money.” [Jerry Maguire]  “Hasta la vista, Baby.” [Terminator 2: Judgment Day] “Go ahead, make my day.” [Dirty Harry: Sudden Impact] “Who are those guys?” [Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid] “Click your heels 3 times and say, ‘There’s no place like home’.” [The Wizard of Oz] “Frankly my dear, I don’t give a damn.” [Gone with the Wind]   “I’m gonna make him an offer he can’t refuse.” [The Godfather] “My Precious.” [The Lord of the Rings: Fellowship of the Rings]  “I don’t think that word means what you think it means.” [The Princess Bride]   “Do not pity the dead, Harry. Pity the living, and, above all, those who live without love.” [Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows]

Some of you will remember the 1992 military/legal movie called A Few Good Men.  In this movie Neo-military lawyer Lieutenant Daniel Kaffee defends Marines accused of murder; the Marines contend that they were acting under orders.  In probably the most famous scene, Col. Nathan R. Jessep (played by Jack Nicholson) asks, “You want answers?”  Lawyer, Lt. Daniel Kaffee (played by Tom Cruise) says, “I think I’m entitled.”  Col. Jessep repeats, “You want answers?”  Kaffee says, “I want the truth.”  To which Col. Jessep states, “You can’t handle the truth.

When Jesus faced Pontius Pilate in John 18, “Pilate said to Him, ‘So You are a king?’  Jesus answered, ‘You say correctly that I am a king. For this I have been born, and for this I have come into the world, to bear witness to the truth. Everyone who is of the truth hears My voice.’ And Pilate said to Him, ‘What is truth?

Last month when we read from what may be the most pivotal verses of the Old Testament, Genesis 12:1-4, we saw how God calls us and blesses us, not simply for our self-centered good, but for the good of all creation! And from this, we learn how we need to, in Paul’s words in Ephesians, learn to “speak the truth in love.”

Because of the season of Lent, the weeks leading up to Easter, begins in two Sundays, we are spending these intermission-Sundays looking at two very short 1-chapter books of the Bible.  Today we read II John.  Next week we read III John

II John is written, according to most scholars, by the Apostle John, to some particular church whom he calls the “chosen lady”.  He makes a main point here about truth and love.  Let’s look together at II John … —

21   The elder to the elect lady and her children, whom I love in truth, and not only I, but also all who know the truthbecause of the truth that abides in us and will be with us forever:

Grace, mercy, and peace will be with us, from God the Father and from Jesus Christ the Father’s Son, in truth and love.

22   I rejoiced greatly to find some of your children walking in the truth, just as we were commanded by the Father. And now I ask you, dear lady—not as though I were writing you a new commandment, but the one we have had from the beginning—that we love one another.

23   And this is love, that we walk according to his commandments; this is the commandment, just as you have heard from the beginning, so that you should walk in it. For many deceivers have gone out into the world, those who do not confess the coming of Jesus Christ in the flesh. Such a one is the deceiver and the antichrist. 

24   Watch yourselves, so that you may not lose what we have worked for, but may win a full reward. Everyone who goes on ahead and does not abide in the teaching of Christ, does not have God. Whoever abides in the teaching has both the Father and the Son. 10 If anyone comes to you and does not bring this teaching, do not receive him into your house or give him any greeting, 11 for whoever greets him takes part in his wicked works.

25   12 Though I have much to write to you, I would rather not use paper and ink. Instead I hope to come to you and talk face to face, so that our joy may be complete.

13 The children of your elect sister greet you.

The high school teacher professes: “Class, there are no absolute truths in life.”  Three students speak up and argue that creation, sin and the Bible are absolute truths.  The teacher states again: “Well class, those are mere opinions. We must conclude that there are no absolute truths in life.”  And then a young girl in the back of the class stands up and says: “Except that ONE, right teacher?”  — The only absolute truth is that there are no absolute truths. … Hmmm —

I believe that there are absolute truths.  One of which is that “all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God”.  Another absolute truth is that “the wages of sin is death”.  And one more is that “God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son, so that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but will have everlasting life.”

John, here, tells us we are to “walk in the truth”.  So, what does walking in truth look like?  One of the insights/questions I had last month while reading through the Bible (Genesis, Exodus) for the 30th or 50th time was the discovery that Genesis 4 says that Enochwalked with God” (meaning, he did not die, he simply ascended into God’s eternal presence… And then two chapters later we read that Noahwalked with God” (but he did die,,, so what does this mean?). The only other place in all of Scripture that this phrase is used is in Malachi (the last book of the Old Testament says that Leviwalked with God” – he also did, indeed die). Walking with God was a three-time phrase that describes people who had:

• Knowledge of Scripture and theology

• Confidence in God’s sovereignty – He’s in charge and we can trust Him

• Making wise decisions – James: If anybody lacks wisdom, he should ask, and our God who gives generously will grant that wisdom.

• Living a life of obedience to God’s will – generally, live “holy” lives, following the mandates in the Bible; and specifically, serving God with the gifts He has already put in our stewardship control.

I think these also describe what it means to “walk in truth”!

But, then, John says to balance “truth” with “love”.  So, what does loving one another look like?

Grace is given regardless of circumstances

Authentic accountability is offered without judgmentalism – God accepts us just the way we are; but He loves us too much to leave us there.

Freedom to be genuine – be real, who you really are

How does absolute truth compare with relativity?

• Truth is steady (Objective), relativity shifts according to its circumstances (Subjective)

• 2 + 2 = 4; water is wet; Jesus died for me and still lives for me

• Relativism is based on opinion: the water is cold, this sermon is boring, Mark is a fat, old man

[Refer to introductory story about the teacher and her students.]

Who here remembers Jerry Seinfeld?  In one episode Jerry is asking George if he told his blind date the truth when George was describing himself to the girl.  George responded: “Yes, I did” and Jerry replied “As you see it” …  Later in the diner Jerry was leaving to tell his female friend some truisms he had not told before.  As Jerry was leaving the diner George pointed a finger at him and said: “Remember, it’s not a lie if you believe it.” — relative truth or real absolute truth? —

How do we speak the truth in love?

  • Use gentle, non-antagonistic words
  • Be accepting, kind demeanor
  • Be objective, based on a standard not an opinion – God’s Word

The modern church world shouts, “We do not need rules and regulations! We only need love! Do away with the doctrinal standards and take down the wall. We will never win souls with doctrine. Love is the key!” 

Yes, love is the key.  But, so-called love, without commitment, is mere infatuation!  It has then become a lewd license to continue a sinful lifestyle without a consciousness of sin.  We condone the sin … and the wages of sin is death … what kind of love is that?  Then truth’s question will be, “ and what are you winning the lost to?”  If all we have is love, and no truth … to what do we save the lost? – the logical conclusion is that we save the lost to the wages of sin!

As Christians, speaking in/to a non-Christian world, what do we mean when we say that Jesus is the Way, the Truth, and the Life?  In what way is Jesus the unique truth? – Look at the Nicene Creed, #15 in your hymnbooks –

• Co-eternal with the Father and Holy Spirit

• Born of a virgin

• Lived in the flesh – was a real human

• Lived a perfect life

• Died on the cross as a substitute for you/me

• Rose from the dead

• Lives with the Father

• He will come back for His followers

When our neighbors and co-workers and family members and classmates say, “I want the truth.”  Allow me to encourage you that that’s a good thing, because, in fact, “You can handle the truth.”

Now is the time of God’s favor!  Today is the day of salvation!  You can handle the truth!

Teach us Your ways, O Lord, that we may walk in Your Truth; give us undivided hearts to revere Your name. May we know Your love and live in Your truth, always, through Christ our Lord. Amen


Receive our tithes and offerings as symbols of our very lives and livelihood, given as response to Your life given for us! Bless it, and by it bless the world around us. In Christ’s name, Amen.

Offering (4449 N Nevada St, Spokane, 99207 ; or click HERE, or text 833-976-1333, code “Lidgerwood”)


28-31  Expedition Song #353 –  For the Beauty of the Earth!    



We continue with this benediction:     May we Grow in the grace and knowledge of Jesus Christ.
Be filled with God’s Holy Spirit.
And give glory to God, today, and forever! Amen.

And as we do that:   “May the Lord bless you and protect you;may the Lord make his face shine on you and be gracious to you;  may the Lord look with favor on you and give you peace.”

And always remember, Jesus said. “I’ll be back![The Terminator]

34   Announcements      

  • Thursday Bible Study –very Thursday at 10am, here and on Zoom


Begg, Alistair; https://www.truthforlife.org/resources/sermon/call-worship/; July 31,2011

Kirkner, David; Dealing with Truth Decay; sermon preached; August 2005.

McCool, Mark; The Inseparables; sermon preached; 1991 (Mississippi Torch; December, 1992).

Wheeler, Mark; “You Can Handle the Truth”; Lidgerwood Presbyterian Church; 07/09/2006.