07/23/2023 = Matthew 6:9-13 = “There Is No ‘I’ in the Lord’s Prayer”

(Click HERE to see the Facebook Live video of this service – starts at 1:00, sermon at 15:00 – note that we had some technical difficulties – no live video of speakers or singers, only the powerpoint slide show – and our audio of the music wasn’t set right, so the beautiful songs are mostly missed – and it is a short service, so when it concludes at 40ish minutes, you have not missed a part of it.)

(Click HERE to donate to Lidgerwood Church’s Mission and ministries – thank you for your generosity.)

Because Pastor Mark is on vacation, we have a wonderful guest preacher today, the Rev. Brad Buff. This means there is no “script/text” for this service. Enjoy the message, and find your faith and prayer-life enhanced.

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